What is 925 Sterling Silver?

Sterling silver is a type of silver that has been alloyed with copper to make it more durable and suitable for use in jewelry and other metalwork. While fine silver is 99.9% pure, it is generally too soft and malleable for most uses, which is why it is commonly alloyed with copper to make sterling silver, which is 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% copper. Sterling silver is also known as '925 silver' due to its 92.5% silver content.

Sterling silver has several advantages over other metals commonly used in jewelry making. For one, it is less expensive than gold or platinum, making it more accessible to a wider range of people. Additionally, sterling silver is highly malleable and can be shaped into intricate designs with ease. Finally, sterling silver has a unique luster that makes it highly attractive and desirable to many people.

One of the downsides of sterling silver is that it can tarnish over time, especially in humid conditions. This is due to the copper content in the alloy. However, tarnish can be easily removed with proper cleaning techniques, and the metal will remain in great condition with normal use.

When cleaning sterling silver jewelry, it is important to avoid harsh cleansers such as baking soda or toothpaste, as they can remove some of the metal over time. Instead, use a gentle jewelry cleaner specifically designed for use on silver. It is also important to store sterling silver jewelry in a dry, cool place to prevent tarnishing.

While sterling silver is a great choice for most jewelry, it may not be suitable for use with very expensive gemstone settings. This is because the softness of the metal can cause damage to the settings over time. In these cases, gold or platinum may be a better option due to their greater hardness.

In conclusion, sterling silver is a high-quality, attractive, and affordable option for jewelry and other metalwork. With proper care and cleaning, sterling silver jewelry can last for generations, making it a great investment for anyone who loves beautiful and timeless pieces.